Did You Know?
Poodles have fur similar to human hair. It never stops growing!Poodle fur changes as the dog matures and needs specialized attention to maintain a healthy coat and style.Lamb Cut
The body is clipped short and tight. The legs are scissored slightly longer to keep the legs looking a little fuller. Suggested professional grooming to maintain this cut is every 4 to 6 weeks.
Puppy Cut
English Saddle
The English saddle clip is similar to the continental, except for the hindquarters, which are not shaved except for a small, curved area on each flank (just behind the body), the feet, and bands just below the stifle (knee) and above the hock, leaving four (4) pompons.
Scandinavian Cut
The face, throat, underside or belly, feet and base of the tail are shaved up to seven days before the show. This allows for a small amount of growth to get a nice, smooth appearance of the shaved areas. The hair on the head is left to form a “topknot” which is fixed in place using latex bands. This is the most common cut for all sizes of show Poodles throughout Europe. It is also known as the ‘Second Puppy Clip.’
German Cut
Continental Cut
In the continental clip, the face, throat, feet and part of the tail are shaved. The upper half of the front legs is shaved, leaving “fluffy pompons” around the ankles. The hindquarters are shaved except for pompons on the lower leg (from the hock to the base of the foot) and optional round areas (sometimes called “rosettes”) over the hips. The continental clip is the most popular show clip today.